shoot with leaves against a backdrop of sunshine

Our mission at Packaging Technologies is to reduce our carbon footprint to the lowest possible level with earth-conscious, sustainable packaging solutions. From the use of flexo water based inks to our state of the art, waste water treatment system, to ensure that all BOD and suspended solids remain well below government regulations. We recently upgraded our plant wide waste removal system to recycle 100% of waste paper trim into post-consumer waste.

  • Reduce – PTI always designs and manufactures corrugated boxes that minimize material and maximize structural support and integrity. We try to save you money by suggesting alternative board or paper basis weight that will not compromise package strength or protective features.
  • Reuse – We send our corrugated box trim back to the paper mill to be reused as fiber for recycled paperboard and execute pallet reconfiguration programs that maximize efficiency and reduce transportation waste.
  • Recycle – Our corrugated board material is 100% renewable, recyclable and bio degradable. Eighty percent of our liners and mediums are made from recycled paper sourced from local Canadian Mills.

To find out more about our entire sustainable packaging process, please contact us today.