Category Archives: Packaging Innovation

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Lowe’s Introduces Personal 3D Printing

When it comes to product packaging, keeping up with the latest innovations and packaging trends is critical – we all know this. Relying solely on methods that worked 10 years ago may cause you to lose out to the completion or get lost on the shelf. Staying informed and knowing exactly what improvements and advances Continue Reading
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Custom Packaging Trends: Multi-Sensory Sensation

When it comes to custom packaging trends, multi-sensory packaging is a trend that seems to be sweeping the nation. Across North America, brands are looking to their packaging as a way in which to garner consumer attention and drive sales in store. Here is a great example. Earlier this year, Anheuser-Busch introduced their tequila flavoured Continue Reading
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Beacon Technology Improves Retail Customer Engagement

Customer Engagement
In 2012, the ground-breaking Shopper Engagement Study done by POPAI found that 76% of shoppers’ purchase decisions are made in-store. 2014’s study found that this number increased to 82%! This means that your biggest opportunity to sell continues to come directly from your packaging and display marketing strategy. Recognizing the role played by technology when Continue Reading